Sunday, December 6, 2009

Flying into Apocalypse

This decision had been a long time coming.

I woke up this morning and did my usual routine. I grabbed a bowl of cereal, ate some toast, drank a glass of orange juice, and washed my face. I brushed my teeth, checked my e-mail, and jumped in the shower. But then I decided to finally make the ascent, and here I was; finally. I stood on the edge of the cliff, contemplating all of life’s complicated twists and turns, all the philosophies and blank stares of those around me. Alienation did not accurately describe my feelings, for it was much more intense then simply an “alienation.” This decision had been a long time coming. I contemplated my glorious suicide during every single one of my pathetic mundane days in my pathetic mundane life. Every glimpse of eye contact, every single social interaction was filled with terrible fear and pain. Summed up in ultimate angst: I hated everything. Being at a table full of my best friends, I would still feel alone. So it was time to end my sad pathetic mundane life and make it into a tragedy; a tragic and emotionally captivating end to a sick, disgusting existence. A melodramatic symphonic chord against the dark night sky. Beautiful human potential, squandered and shattered. A daring revolutionary committing the ultimate act of rebellion. There was no one around and here I was, all alone, yet I felt like I had all the company in the world. A massive and excited crowd in my jumbled head cheered me on. “Let’s do it you pussy!!!” “Come on, jump already!” I couldn’t let them down. This was the day of reckoning, my own personal judgment day.

I outstretched my arms.

And jumped.

My arms started to flap and I flew. This was the most beautiful feeling I had ever experienced. I flapped and flapped, and flew and flew. And as I looked down upon the towns, cities, and people below me, everything was burnt, destroyed, and dead. The most picturesque scene you could ever see. Everything dead. My feeling of elation was unlike any other. Everyone I hated, everyone I loved; dead. And I could never ask for more.

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