Sunday, August 2, 2009

Revelations Near a DJ

I stood there waiting and watching the scene on front of me. A group of dirty and insane individuals were gathered in a bizarre ritual. A bizarre ritual organized in the middle of a backwater town, out in a field, under the stars. These people were being controlled by the musical puppeteer on front of them, who was spinning minds into new dimensions, spreading revelations among the participants present. My head started to break into pieces as I nervously puffed onto a cigar. Waves of intense emotion pelted up and down through my body and I started to transcend the normal physical existence. Breathing sped up as my heartbeat raced along a track of mixed emotion. I danced, not because I wanted to, but because I had to; I had to ride the basslines and keep afloat or I would be sucked into infinity.
The music stopped. Something was terribly wrong. The crowd shouted and I waited nervously for the aural wonderland to resume. Without the musical portal to protect me I was alone and terrified in a sea of blurring colors and strange characters. I threw my cigar onto the ground as I started to become scared of what was happening, and I sat on the floor behind me. Intense anxiety ripped my mind to shards and I could not believe what was happening. I looked for comfort in my two friends who accompanied me in my otherworldly adventure.
I could not describe what was happening to my mind but I knew I needed the music back on. I told my friends and they greeted me with a warm smile. Everything would be okay. Barely escaping the anxiety and fear that threatened my very existence, the music came back on and the sea of lazer people among me roared in happiness. I started to dance again, to try to stay afloat and stay alive. After a battle of mind against music my friends walked away so I followed them to a small apocalyptic tent serving bizarre alien soup. Walking was unnatural and I felt as though I was floating. My mind felt detached from my body and as the physical pushed forward my mind stayed in one spot. When I arrived at my destination my mind snapped back into my head and I looked at the people working there. Did they know what was going on?? Could they see all the lights dancing among their vision? I started to get nervous as I realized I was all alone in the world with no one experiencing the same as me. My head melted into thought and then I nervously walked back to the lifeline that was the speakers near the DJ. I danced more for my survival until my friends returned with the alien remedy. I tasted it and spat it out, laughing hysterically at the strange flavor and texture. A girl nearby leaned in and told me to put my head right next to the speaker and deeply breathe in. I tried out this process and took in the sounds escaping from the contraption and smiled with her at the experience. Soon the music was turned down and a message from the sky proclaimed that cars were being towed from the road near this barren landscape. I could barely comprehend the message but I realized that my friend's car may be one of them. I tried warning him and somehow I then got separated from the comfort of both my friends. I wandered to the back of the crowd and looked at the scene on front of me. Bright lights and colors danced everywhere among the lazer people in their bizarre ancient ritual. A strange man who reminded me of a frog tried talking to me and telling me about some upcoming event. I could barely understand what he was saying and I could barely even respond. Social actions were extremely hard to comprehend. He babbled on until a friend I recognized walked by. She greeted me and I tried to tell her I couldn't describe what was happening to myself. I couldn't convey what I was seeing. She soon wandered off and I too wandered, to another loud speaker spilling the aural landscape present around me.
At this point, my mind had melted. I could not comprehend any previously known concepts. Time had shattered, and I was frozen in the present. I could barely remember who I even was. The concept of an ego became obliterated. Coherent thought vanished. I could only think of a few things and I kept asking myself questions. I wasn't sure if I was breathing correctly, and I was afraid that I may die. I kept thinking of loved ones and wishing that they were with me but I knew that I had to be all alone. I kept wondering why I was here and what was the point of the ritual going on, but I settled with the idea that I just had to keep dancing and stay calm. The conductor of revelations continued to shatter my brain with his pulsing rhythms and throbbing basslines, and I literally thought I was going mentally insane. I kept nervously looking around at the strangers present amongst myself and laughed in my head at the comic scene of it all. Everything about my perception was distorted and altered. I was hearing sounds from other astral planes and seeing visuals I could not see in the normal mind. I just continued to dance and nod my head to the music with extreme nervousness and tried to relax. A DJ played two drum and bass songs that I had just recently downloaded at home. I couldn't believe this and could not believe that it was a mere coincidence, he must have known that I was here. These songs made my mind wander and remember that there was a world existent outside of this insane muddy field on the threshold of the world. After a lifetime of experiencing the madness present up by the DJ, I ran into another friend and wandered around with him, listening to him talk and trying to get a few incoherent words in here and there.
I tried explaining to him what was going on in my head, but it was extremely difficult to put into words. We talked the usual talk about recent parties and upcoming events and discussed the current vibe present at the festival. Soon another one of my friends called me on my cellphone so I had him come over to us and I laughed with him about the madness we were both going through, since I knew he was experiencing the same. I didn't feel so lost anymore and I kept running into familiar faces and friends. Soon one of my friends pointed to a tree and told me it was changing colors. I looked at it and couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was a huge lilac-color, alien-looking tree that was pulsating and literally breathing. I had never seen a tree that looked like this EVER before. This was one of the most incredible visuals I had ever experienced in my entire life. After seeing it I ran into another friend who looked really confused and out of it, she took me to see this beautiful necklace that was for sale that was also breathing and pulsating. I then ran into more friends and everyone seemed to be going crazy; no one was making any sense talking. I started to get anxious again and wandered back to the speaker. Cops were coming, some people said, and an announcement proclaimed that someone had gotten violent earlier. Many of the people watching the music had now gone back to their tents, and the whole scene was collapsing. I soon did the same and wandered off, barely finding my tent in the darkness of the night. When I arrived I sat with friends and we babbled on for the rest of the night, and I tried to comprehend all that I had seen, and think about the bizarre initiation ritual I had just undertaken. I couldn't really decide whether I liked it or not, but I soon decided that I would have to do it again.
This world is what we make it.

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